Empowering sustainable investments

Regain control over your ESG data, make your sustainability strategies more ambitious and collaborate more easily through ESG processes.
MacBook mockupPlateforme d'analyse WeefinA white board with three people on it.
They trust us

Automate tedious manual tasks, achieve differentiation with your ESG strategy.

Save Time

Automate low-value ESG data preparation tasks: quality control, repository management, and more.

Control Your Costs

Our modular SaaS platform is up to 77% less expensive than in-house development.

Stand Out from the Crowd

Regain sovereignty over your ESG data and master your ESG indicators to communicate them more effectively.

A golden source of ESG data & smoother processes

Whether you are an Asset Manager, a Wealth Manager, a CIB, consolidate your ESG processes.
We provide automatic integration of all your ESG data sources, both public and private, as well as your investment data (portfolio, universe, benchmark, book, etc.)‍
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A diagram of a web page with a bunch of data on it.
Manage data integration via customized rules. Gain access to your golden source of ESG data and an automatically matched repository for optimal coverage.
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A screenshot of a computer screen with the text portatillo on it.
Set up regulatory indicators (PAI, Taxonomy...) or create custom indicators / scores based on your investment strategy.
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A computer screen with a bunch of different items on it.
Easily monitor your sustainability indicators at various levels: issuer, portfolio, book, entity, etc. Check compliance with your business rules or objectives using customizable rules.
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A screen shot of a dashboard with data on it.
Build your regulatory reporting (pre-contractual SFDR, periodic, PAI, EET...) and streamline processes by using the same platform to collaborate with all your teams. All indicator measurements are automated.
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A screenshot of a web page with a group of people on it.
Easily communicate your sustainability metrics and create custom ESG reports based on measurements provided by the platform.
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A piece of paper with a paper airplane next to it.

Make your day-to-day life easier and maximise your impact
with our platform!


Expertise in technology and sustainability: our added value for a successful ESG strategy

Our team draws its strength from a combination of two core competencies: its command of cutting-edge technologies and expertise on sustainability. Through these, we are able to go beyond the simple integration of ESG criteria into our platform. We can provide assistance for your strategy implementation and compliance with current regulations.
A group of people sitting around a table with laptops.
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