Expertise Hub

Regulatory and non-regulatory developments in ESG are numerous and require constant adaptation.

WeeFin experts support you and keep you informed of the latest market practices.

Resources at your disposal
to support you on developments and best practices

Access to a wealth of ESG knowledge

Direct contact
with our team

Support on
regulatory compliance

A piece of paper with a paper airplane next to it.

Access to a wealth of ESG knowledge

Because sustainable finance is a source of many questions, WeeFin gives you access to:
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a Q&A with over 300 ESG-related questions and answers, ranging from regulatory developments to best practices in data management
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a knowledge center

Direct contact
with our team

Do you have a question that is not listed in the Q&A? Are you facing a specific problem and need expert support?

Get in direct contact with our team who will provide you with a precise answer in less than 5 working days.

Support on regulatory compliance

Because regulations are constantly evolving, our team can help you achieve regulatory compliance according to your needs:
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Label or SDR support
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Proofreading your reports before publication and submission to the regulator

Strategic functionnality
to help you achieve your sustainability objectives


Our experts keep a close eye on regulatory developments and provide access to their decodings.

Keeping abreast
of the latest developments
and market practices

thanks to our knowledge base, Q&A and monthly newsletter.

Custom support

thanks to our team of experts on whom you can rely every day.

Related resources

8 min

Our Response to the Consultation on Biodiversity Risk Management by Insurers

Biodiversity and Finance: WeeFin responds to EIOPA's European consultation on biodiversity risks.
Read the article
12 min

Our Response to the UK Stewardship Code Consultation 

WeeFin supports the review of the UK Governance Code to promote a more sustainable and transparent approach that is adapted to the current challenges of the financial sector.
Read the article
10 min

Our Response to the UK Green Taxonomy Consultation

The UK is moving towards a green taxonomy to steer investments into sustainable activities. At WeeFin, we've responded to this consultation, drawing on our expertise with the European taxonomy. Explore our responses in this blog and learn how this initiative could reshape sustainable finance in the UK.
Read the article

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