Centralization of data
A single, reliable and common repository for your entire organization
Access to a calculation library, set up your methodologies simply
Follow-up and analysis
Monitoring of customizable ESG rules by portfolio
Portfolio simulation to see the impact on ESG indicators
Monitoring of issuers' ESG ratings and alerts during controversies
Shareholder commitment
Voting management and engagement actions
Production of regulatory reports (SFDR, EET,...), customers and marketing
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Benchmark of Solvency 2 transparency solutions
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Our Response to the Consultation on Biodiversity Risk Management by Insurers
Biodiversity and Finance: WeeFin responds to EIOPA's European consultation on biodiversity risks.
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Centralization of data
Data aggregation
In order to meet the various regulatory and client demands, you accumulate many ESG data sources.
WeeFin offers a full range of services to help you build a single, reliable repository that is shared across your organisation.
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A golden source
offering optimum coverage
Automatic integration
of data sources
Guaranteed quality
due to automated controls
Matching algorithm to maximise coverage rate
Automatic integration of
data sources
With WeeFin, you can integrate all your data into a single platform.
Our tool allows you to:
Automatically connect to
any public or private ESG data source
of your choice
Link to your
internal ESG data
Connect to internal tools for
investment data
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Optimised quality due to
automated controls
Implementation of:
Technical controls
on the ingested datasets verifying the quality of data received
Functional checks
verifying consistency
and veracity of data received (values, correlation between several indicators,...)
Checks can be fully customised to suit your preferences, with the platform offering complete flexibility.
Optimised coverage rate
Get optimal ESG data coverage and a single repository thanks to:
Automated matching
using an advanced algorithm
of certain indicators according to customisable rules (hierarchical tree and rules of your choice)
Custom proxies
customised proxy
calculation system
On average, our platform enables you to automatically obtain a coverage rate of
over 95%
Strategic functionnality
to help you achieve your sustainability objectives
Using ESG Connect means an
average saving of 77%
compared to in-house development.
5x less time
spent by your teams on ESG data management as the result of automated processes
Our solution enables you to reduce operational risks by ensuring data consistency.
Related resources
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Our Response to the Consultation on Biodiversity Risk Management by Insurers
Biodiversity and Finance: WeeFin responds to EIOPA's European consultation on biodiversity risks.
Read the article
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Our Response to the UK Stewardship Code Consultation
WeeFin supports the review of the UK Governance Code to promote a more sustainable and transparent approach that is adapted to the current challenges of the financial sector.
Read the article
10 min
Our Response to the UK Green Taxonomy Consultation
The UK is moving towards a green taxonomy to steer investments into sustainable activities. At WeeFin, we've responded to this consultation, drawing on our expertise with the European taxonomy. Explore our responses in this blog and learn how this initiative could reshape sustainable finance in the UK.
Read the article
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